Day 6: Wickenburg to Prescott, AZ

60 miles, 5709 feet climbed

Half the miles and nearly twice the climbing from yesterday. Getting to the first climb up to Yarnell was a slight, steady climb at a 1 to 2% grade. The climb itself ranged between 3 and 6 %. Following a transit of the Peoples Valley, we had a rolickin downhill; I saw 40 mph for a few seconds and was cruising in the 30’s.

The second major climb was a series of climbs and downhills. My bike computer only shows the profile for a mile and a half or so ahead. I’ll admit to hoping that the next climb that I saw was the last–not to be. But eventually we did hit the final descent into Prescott.

Getting closer to the Yarnell climb, which runs from left to right (zooming may be required)
From along the climb. The northbound (lower) and southbound (upper) roadways are separated for much of the climb.
Looking back towards Wickenburg from the Yarnell climb
Ben on the Yarnell climb taken by me. There is plenty of space for bikes and vehicles.
Me, taken by Ben.
The Peoples Valley, looking east
And West (I think that is Phil)
Highest point of the day, approaching Prescott