79 miles, 1726 feet climbed
Another cool day to start, warming to comfortable levels. Humid but tolerably so. Either rain or at least we roads, depending on where you were in the pack. Near Little Falls, I hit something metallic and hard with my front tire and noticed it going flat right as I rolled up to a group fixing another flat. Though I was expecting a pinch flat–two holes opposite each other as if a snake had bitten it– there was only one hole on the tire seam. Perhaps the hard hit had popped open a weak spot. With several hands to help pull the slippery wet tire back onto the rim, I was back on the road quickly.
With the threat of rain, I concentrated more on moving forward than normal and have only two pictures for you. Another reason for me to keep moving was my bike computer’s failure to load the GPS route information. I could either navigate using the printed route sheet and my computer as an odometer or just follow along with others, who don’t stop for many pictures. I chose the lazy way.
An ABB alumni brought cookies to the first SAG and the hotel held a beer and wine reception for us before our catered dinner. We were certainly well-fed today.