90 miles, 1434 feet climbed
We were predicted to have mild tailwinds today and we mostly did. They helped knock down the heat and humidity to a degree. We delayed our start by an hour to make sure that we didn’t arrive at the second SAG before it opened (photo explanation below).
Two days ago I began to get an intermittent clicking noise from my bottom bracket (where the crank-arms attach to the bottom of the frame). Mike Munk of ABB taught me that such things can sometimes by cured by dribbling a little water on the area. That worked for a little while but the noise would come back. Yesterday I cleaned and re-lubed the drive train to see if that would help. It didn’t and the sound was there more often than not today. While waiting for my room to be ready, Peyton and I pulled the cranks and put a little chain lube on the bearings. Nothing else seemed amiss and two quick laps of the entry circle produced no noises. The proof will be on Friday’s ride to Buffalo.
Our hotel is quite nice, right on the water and adjacent to a convention center. Not very pedestrian friendly, though. If you decide to ride the tour, be aware that you will be on your own for the evening meal when you arrive, as well as all meals the next (rest) day. All that is nearby are another higher end hotel and a few restaurants. I wouldn’t plan on stocking up on supplies on the rest day as there isn’t much within a short walking distance, somewhat defeating the utility of the rest day for some. There is, of course, the romance of being right on Lake Erie (insert tongue in cheek emoji, if there be one). This is not the first time where cute trumps practicality.