Day 18 – Rest Day, N. Myrtle Beach, SC

This morning I made a point of getting out on the beach to capture the sunrise:

The shorter part of our Best Western
Looking down the beach to the south

I spent much of the day on some lingering todos and booked my first timeshare exchange for the upcoming ski season. More of that to come.

I toyed with getting a Lyft over to Myrtle Beach. After looking at various brochures provided in my room, which gave a strong hint of a tourist trap, I lost interest. We’re heading back inland to make our way to Georgetown tomorrow rather than taking the coastal road and won’t get to see Myrtle Beach on the route. I’ll just come back some day on a golf vacation some day.

After an early dinner, more photos from near the hotel:

Ocean Blvd looking north

And south-

Ocean Blvd looking south
Typical beach rental. Newer structures all seem to be built to allow floodwaters to flow under the occupied spaces.
The tide was really out (low) this afternoon