95 miles, 3940 feet climbed
It wasn’t raining when we walked to breakfast this morning at 6 am, but that didn’t hold. By 7 am a pretty good rain was coming down. It let up eventually, but then came back with a vengeance.
Cycling and other musings
95 miles, 3940 feet climbed
It wasn’t raining when we walked to breakfast this morning at 6 am, but that didn’t hold. By 7 am a pretty good rain was coming down. It let up eventually, but then came back with a vengeance.
I arrived in Boston yesterday on a red-eye about 6:30 am. After picking up my rental car, I worked my way over to the Seven Cycles shop in Waterford, to see where my bike frame was made back in 2003. They say they are the largest purely custom frame maker in the world. On to REI for a few supplies and then to Portsmouth through heavy mid-day traffic.
Welcome to my journal of my cycling trip from Portsmouth, New Hampshire to Jacksonville, Florida. The wheels start turning on Sunday, August 12. Check back then.
America by Bicycle is my tour provider. They are a known quantity to me, having ridden with them from Astoria, OR to Portsmouth, NH in 2004, and New Orleans to Minneapolis, MN in 2008.